Course Registration

Click here for GSIS Course Registration Guide.


Important points about course registrations;


A thesis advisor should be appointed to an MA student up to the end of the first semester and latest the second semester for the PhD students.


Students, who have studied the mentioned number of semesters, must fill in the thesis advisor forms latest until the first week of the course registration week and submit the form to their departments. A student, who is not assigned a thesis advisor, cannot register to following semester courses.


Students enrolled in the fall semester 2016-2017 and later are required to take Research Methods and Scientific Ethics and Seminars to complete the required number of courses. In addition, students are required to take 2 compulsory courses appointed by their department. Students are primarily advised to register to the compulsory courses in preference to other elective courses.


With the approval of the thesis adviser, a maximum number of two courses can be taken from other graduate programs within the university. These courses are defined as elective courses by the department.


With the student's request, the consent of the advisor and the Graduate School Board; courses offered at other higher education institutions may be taken within the defined criteria for each program, if the courses are not included in the university's curricula or if the relevant program has not been offering courses for two semesters. Course credits taken at other universities are counted as elective course credits.


Graduate students, who will take courses from another universities, are required to visit the Graduate School of Social Sciences latest during the course registration period of the coming semester.


After registering to courses on GSIS, students should check for advisor approval. Advisor’s approval is required to complete the registration to the relevant course. Following the first registrations, courses which will not open, is announced. After the announcement, second course registration period starts and advisors approval for the second registrations is also required. After advisors approval of the courses, students cannot add or change courses.

Click here for the course registration calendar.


Students, who cannot pass the Scientific Preparatory Program at the end of two semesters, are expelled from their programs.


An MA student, appointed a thesis supervisor should register to "Master Thesis" and "Specialization Field Course" and a PhD student, appointed a thesis supervisor should register to "Doctorate Thesis" and "Specialization Field Course" offered by his/her thesis advisor.


Each advisor has a different group number on GSIS and in order to register to one of these courses students should check their advisors group number on GSIS and register accordingly.  You can learn the course codes and groups from the course group display tab on GSIS.


The maximum duration for taking the MA and PhD courses is 4 semesters. Students who cannot complete the required number of courses and credits are expelled from the program.


The maximum duration for taking MA courses and writing an MA thesis is 6 semesters in total. The maximum duration for taking PhD courses and writing a PhD thesis is 12 semesters. Students who cannot meet the mentioned maximum duration requirement are expelled from the program.


PhD students are required to take the PhD Qualifying Exam latest at the 5th semester. Students, who fail to take the PhD Qualifying Exam latest at the 5th semester are expelled from the program. Students taking but failing the Qualifying Exam twice are expelled from the program. Students who are successful in the Qualification Exam but failed twice in the thesis proposal phase are also expelled from the program.


Students, whose PhD thesis proposal is accepted, should meet the thesis committee twice a year (between May-June and November-December) until the dissertation is submitted. Minimum number of three thesis follow-up reports are required for graduation. Students who fail two times in a row or three times intermittently at the thesis monitoring committee cannot continue their dissertations and are expelled from the program.


Non-thesis MA program students who fail to pass 3 (three) semesters successfully or who cannot meet the necessary requirements for graduation are expelled from the program.


Students, studying at 100% English programs should only register to courses offered in English.


Students who study at programs offered in Turkish may write their thesis in English, providing that the thesis adviser and the thesis monitoring committee have the required proficiency in English, with the approval from the department and the Graduate School Board.