Visiting Students






Special and visiting student applications are made from February 26th to March 1st, 2018.

(There is no special student application for non-thesis graduate programs.


  1. Applicants, applying to special and visiting student programs, should fill out FR-1342- Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel veya Misafir Öğrenci Ders Kayıt Formu SPECIAL/VISITING STUDENT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM and have it signed by the relevant department at Yıldız Technical University.
  2. Documents listed below must be approved by the Tuition Fee Office. (Tuition Fee Office/ Harç Birimi address is: Davutpaşa Campus, Taş Bina, A-1009)
  3. Application documents should be delivered to the Graduate School of Social Sciences.


Click here for the forms. 

You will be directed to the forms web site of Yıldız Technical University.

Once you open the forms web site, you can find the form by searching "Form number starting with FR" or "Official Form name" in the search field. 

You should download and fill in the form on your computer. 

Required Documents for Visiting Student Applications


Students, studying at a different university should deliver the following documents to register to a graduate course at Yıldız Technical University:


- FR-1342- Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel veya Misafir Öğrenci Ders Kayıt Formu SPECIAL/VISITING STUDENT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM (should be signed by the relevant department at Yıldız Technical University.)

- Letter of approval about the course plan from the applicant’s home institution graduate school administrative board

- Diploma copy

- Transcript and a copy

- Student certificate

- Home institution tuition fee payment bank receipt

- Passport copy

- English proficiency certificate (Student who are interested in registering to courses offered in English should hold a valid English proficiency certificate.)

- International students who wish to register to a course offered in Turkish should hold a minimum of C1 level TÖMER certificate taken from a state university in Turkey.


Required Documents for Special Student Applications


Following documents should be submitted by candidates who are not enrolled in any higher education institution:

FR-1342- Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel veya Misafir Öğrenci Ders Kayıt Formu SPECIAL/VISITING STUDENT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM (should be signed by the relevant department at Yıldız Technical University.)

- Diploma Copy

- Transcripts and a copy

 - Passport copy

- Tuition fee receipt and a copy Original document should be submitted to the Tuition Fee Office at Davutpaşa Campus, Taş Bina, A-1009 and the copy should be delivered to the Graduate School of Social Sciences.

- English proficiency certificate (Candidates who are interested in registering to courses offered in English should hold a valid English proficiency certificate.)

- International candidates who wish to register to a course offered in Turkish should hold a minimum of C1 level TÖMER certificate taken from a state university in Turkey.


About the Tuition Fee

The tuition fee is calculated according to the number of hours a course is offered. For more information about the fees and bank account details, candidates should visit the Tuition Fee Office at Davutpaşa Campus, Taş Bina, A-1009.

Yıldız Technical University students, who want to take courses from another higher education institution should fill out the form FR-0318-Yüksek Lisans Ders Kayıt Formu, Course Registration Form For Ytu Graduate Students To Take Courses At Another University attach the course plan of the host institution and deliver the documents to their department. Departments send the application documents to the Graduate School and final decision about the application is made by the Graduate School Board.


Senate Decisions on Special Student Admissions


ARTICLE 14- (1) Those who are graduates or students of a higher education institution and who want to increase their knowledge in a certain subject can be admitted as special students to the graduate courses by the approval of the relevant department and the Graduate School Board.


(2) The maximum duration of special education is two semesters. Students, who want to study more than one semester can renew their registrations at the beginning of each semester. A student who wants to enroll in a course offered in English must hold an English proficiency certificate with the required proficiency.


(3) Special students cannot register to Thesis Courses. They can only take courses from graduate programs.



(4) Special students should pay tuition fee and the fee to be paid is determined by the University Executive Board every year.


(5) Being a special student does not grant any right to enroll in any graduate program. Special students cannot benefit from student rights, but they can benefit from academic opportunities.


(6) Special students can take a maximum of three courses per semester.


(7) A maximum of two courses taken as a special student can be counted, if he/she is accepted to a graduate program. There is a condition that the courses taken as a special student and the course plan of the program admitted must be the same. For the course substitution, students should apply to their department within six months after registering to the department. Final decision is made by the Graduate School Board.


(8) Special students adhere to the University's Graduate School Regulations and Senate Principles. At the end of each semester, transcripts are provided to special students.


Course Substitutions


ARTICLE 30- (1) Students who have taken a course as a special student and who have previously taken courses and who were expelled from a program should have a maximum score of BB (3.00 / 4.00) to apply for course substitutions. Only two of the courses previously taken can be substituted from the elective courses.


(2) For course substitutions, students shall apply with a petition and the previous curriculum, to the relevant department within the six months following the date of registration.


(3) Course grading is determined by the department and the final decision is made by the Graduate School Board.


(4) For converting the grades, the conversion table recognized by the Senate is referred.